I have been bringing up box after box of "stuff" from the "dungeon" so Momma can go through it and weed out some STUFF. She has a bazillion holiday decorations that she wants to part with.
I have been checking the animal shelters in the area, looking for the 'perfect' small dog for Momma, since she had to have Bella put to sleep last spring. Momma has been so lonely without Bella around. Last Saturday, I decided to be adventurous and drive to San Mateo and 'brave' Hwy 101. It wasn't too bad, actually. I had my trusty MapQuest map printout and I had no trouble finding the Peninsula Humane Society, out at Coyote Point, on the bay. I found a few little dogs that I was going to 'interview' to see if I felt that their little personalities would be what Mom needed. The lady behind the desk said that the ones I had asked about probably wouldn't be a good match for Mom....but they had a little chi that she thought might be good. So I met 'Gilda', as she was named at the time. I fell in love with her!!!! What a sweet, tiny, timid little dog!!! I called Momma, and asked her 'how much do you trust me?' - LOLOLOLOL!
And so I adopted Gilda, and took her home to Momma...who also fell in love with her.
She is no longer named Gilda... Momma named her GiGi - and she is as sweet as can be!!! She is only about 4 or 5 lbs, so not too heavy (good so she doesn't hurt Mom's legs anymore than they already are) GiGi has learned how to use the doggie door to go outside and do what she needs to do, and she has only had a couple of accidents, so she seems to be house broken. She is playful, but gentle with Mom. And I think GiGi must think she is in doggie heaven, because Momma has been feeding her small meals 4 or 5 times a day (GiGi was very skinny when I got her) and meals consist of cooked chicken breast, rice, carrots, and some Pedigree canned food mixed in. Needless To Say, GiGi finishes all of her food. :o)
Mom asked me if I would make GiGi a sweater, so I did a search online and found a great site with free chihuahua sweater patterns. I crocheted a little sweater for her using a pattern called "Summer Breeze". It's finished, except for the final finishing touches of a ribbon, a couple of buttons, and a couple of bows. I will post a picture when I get those touches added, andd then I will have GiGi model it. It turned out really cute!
Momma has a Dentist appt today, so time to go get her there.