I'm preparing for my trip to my Mom's next week...so I decided to wash one of my purses to use. I checked all of the pockets, cleaned it out, and threw it in the washer with some of my turtleneck tops, and some towels.
I have washed this purse this way many times with good results. I threw the load in the dryer when it was washed, and to my shock, when I opened the dryer - discovered BLUE ink from 3 ball point pens ALL OVER the inside of my dryer. Everywhere. And plenty of blue ink stains on my load of wash. It seems that the purse had a rip in the lining that I didn't notice, and these 3 pens were hiding in there. GRRRRR!!!!!
I tried Simple Green, I tried my Mr Clean Magic eraser, Rubbing Alcohol. Nothing worked!!!!
Then I had an 'ah-ha' thought - and Googled for 'removing ink from dryer drum'. I found a site called Thrifty Fun and they had oodles of suggestions for removing the ink. Apparently I am not the only dork that has had ball point pens explode in their dryers. The first person suggested Lysol Disinfectant Spray. I had that on hand, so I tried it. It removed some of the ink...but there was still a lot left.
Another suggestion, was to use a Magic Eraser sponge, and soak it with NON-acetone nail polish remover. I had 'regular' nail polish remover, and it didn't work...so I made a trip to the dollar store. Came home, soaked my magic eraser sponge with the non-acetone remover, and it worked!!! My dryer is totally clean again.
Oh...and on the same site, they said to throw some of the Orange Cleaner in with the laundry soap, and also use Shout on the stains on the clothes, and the ink will come out. Almost all of it did. Amazing. I am in awe of these geniuses.
Now I have two questions on my mind (make that 3)....
Question 1. Just WHAT did we ever do before the internet (and before Google???)
Question 2. Who on earth came UP with the idea of "hey, I will just pour some of this here non-acetone nail polish remover on my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser sponge, and I KNOW that will take off the ink that is all over the inside of my dryer????? WHO thinks these things up????
Question 3. WHY is this stuff considered Thrifty "FUN"???? LOLOL
I dunno...but thanks, whoever you are. I'm glad your idea of fun is figuring these things out so I don't have to try. Cause I never would have thought it up. :o)
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