Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Fishing, knitting and book reviews
First we went over to Nanc's house (out in the country) and she fixed us lunch (two different zucchini casseroles...yummy!) and we ate outside - the weather is beautiful today! Then we got the 'grand' tour of her vegetable garden, and best of all, some of the garden fresh veggies, and some apples off of one of her trees.
Then we left to go to a small lake nearby that we like to go swimming at. The water was cold, but 'refreshing'. (that's a nice way of saying it gave us goosebumps!) Needless to say, we did not swim too long!
After that, we left to go to a different lake (up here in the
'Nort-woods' remember, we have a LOT of lakes to choose from!!!!) to go fishing.
We usually don't come home with any keepers (but we don't care...hmm...some fisher'men' we are, huh?), because we fish from the shore, and its a shallow lake.
We did manage to use up our 'old' worms leftover from our last fishing excursion. Nanc caught a nice size sunfish, and I caught a nice yellow perch. We had brought along a 5 gallon pail and put some water in it, and had Nancy's fish in there, and then went to put my perch in there, and the sunfish had flipped out of the pail and back into the water, so we let the perch go too. I did catch a largemouth bass (I love how they put up a fight!) but it was not quite legal size, so I caught it and released it. The majority of the fish we caught were little dinky baby panfish. So our average fish was - hold onto your hat, here... only about 2 or 3 inches long. Yep...ridiculously teeny!
But...the main thing is we had fun! It was great to be out in the water, in the sunshine, and fresh air, with a great friend. I didn't have to catch any fish to be happy about being out there.
(having God's gift of a wonderful friend, and the beautiful nature that He created was more than enough!)
Thank you to anyone that has been praying for Mom. She went home yesterday. The Drs. decided it was NOT a heart attack. They did say she has an 'ileus' - which is a pocket in the intestine, that can 'back up' and become blocked. It was very painful from what Mom said. She is feeling a little better, but still very tired and weak.
I finished one of the baby sweaters I have been working on (except for sewing the sleeve seams) and started another one. The first one was fun to make...and was the pattern with the SSK that I didn't enjoy...but I am getting used to it and actually LIKE doing it now! LOL!
I thought the first sweater turned out so cute (I used the light yellow Bernat satin WW), that I started a second one. I am using Vanna's Choice Baby in a pretty aqua color, and using white for the main part of the body. It never hurts to have extras around for a special baby gift. Actually, the yellow sweater IS for a gift...and the aqua and white one is for my future grandbaby that is due to arrive in Jan 2009. I will post pictures here when I am done with the second one.
Speaking of the future 'baby grand', I bought some sweet printed flannel the other day at JoAnn's to make some receiving blankies out of for the baby. I will be crocheting an edging around the blankies too. And I will also post pics of those when I get them done.
I finished the third book in the Hidden Faces series that I am reading by Brandilyn Collins. I could NOT put that book down! I think it might have been the best one I have read so far...and I was sooo wrong about the ending. It took a total twist and turn near the end of the book...the kind that leaves you sitting there saying..."THAT'S who it was???" I had it guessed all wrong! Good job, Brandilyn! The book was a christian mystery and again...kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. And I love how Brandilyn gets the spiritual points across. In this one, called Dead of Night, it was a lot about spiritual warfare, and again, the power of prayer. And how sometimes, we may not even know how to pray or what to say, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and leads us to pray.
(Romans 8:26: In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.)
I just started the 4th book in the series. AND, I won a book from Brandilyn's newsletter called Sneak Pique!!! So by the time I finish Web of Lies - my book that I won (Violet Dawn) should be here. Too Cool!!!
Have a great Wednesday, friends!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Prayer for Momma please
I just talked to Mom this afternoon, and she sounded tired, but she is like that most of the time. She said her blood pressure had been high the last few days, but last night and today, it was better.
I finally got through to a nurse in the ER that was downright rude. He refused to tell me anything about Mom's condition, despite the fact that there is a signed release on file that I am her emergency medical contact, and that they also have a copy of a POA for Medical care in her files. It's hard enough being all the way across the country from her, and knowing she is in the hospital, but twice as bad, not knowing why. (I am NOT a fan of Kaiser P.) I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy!
So I am frustrated and trying not to worry. And praying. I can't do anything right now, except for to let God take care of her. So any additional prayers are appreciated.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What Kind of Flower Are you?
(see the little box with the flower picture in it to the right of the posts)
Actually, my hubby said that the description of a 'snapdragon' is really pretty close to my personality. (I think I'll agree with him! ~¿รด)
Here it is: "Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."
I am so easily amused...
Birdie Poo and other interesting tidbits....
I procrastinated about cleaning the bird cages today. And procrastinated some more. I even managed to do a load of laundry while I was in the midst of procrastionation... (we're talking serious procrastination here!)...then finally this afternoon, I made myself start the cage cleaning marathon. It always takes me at least 4 to 5 hours to clean all the bird cages. I washed, scrubbed, and dried, and now all the birds are happily chirping and singing in their nice clean cages. I do them at least once a week, sometimes more than that, if necessary.
After I was done with that, I trimmed some birdie toenails. In case you wondered, the birds aren't necessarily fond of that. But none of them bit me for the deed today.
Then I got the vaccuum out and cleaned up the living room floor, underneath and around furniture, and the carpets too.
Now, I am going to work on rewarding myself for beating the procrastination bug to death, and doing all that manual labor!!!!
I am going to take my 'well-deserved' break and go work on some knitting. :O))) Of course, that will be after I make dinner. (It's true what they say, a woman's work is never done!)
I am almost finished with a baby sweater I am working on for a gift for a friend at church. It is called 'Top Down Baby Sweater' and the pattern is by Plymouth Yarn. (I just looked it up, so I could put the link in this post, and found out the pattern is FREE online! I PAID for mine...oh,well...gotta keep the LYS in business! LOL)
I am using Bernat Satin (Worsted Weight) in a pretty, soft, pale yellow color that I love! The pattern is not difficult, but it has one pattern stitch in there that I really dislike doing... it's a SSK ( Slip 1 stitch, Slip another stitch, then knit through the back of both slipped stitches.) It isn't hard, but for me, it just is plain awkward. But I am getting it done. Here is how far I am on it at the moment:
...And then I want to read some more of the second book in the 'Hidden Faces' series by Brandilyn Collins, called "Stain of Guilt". She has become my favorite author! She writes christian mystery/suspense novels that keep you on the edge of your seat.
So here's another shameless plug for Brandilyn...
If you haven't read any of her books, I would highly recommend them - especially if you like mysteries! She also has a series that is called The Bradleyville Series, and they are great christian fiction too... for those that aren't into the edge-of-your-seat-suspense type novels. The first book I read of hers was 'Elisha's Eyes' and that got me...hook, line and sinker. I enjoyed the fact that the setting for the book was the SF bay area, where I was born and I knew most of the locations.
I got a part time job working for a local auctioneer. It ought to be interesting. It's fairly flexible, which is what I needed, considering I take care of Mom fairly often, and I am also responsible for getting our older DD to and from her meetings with her 'job developer' and DVR and job search,etc. The term "Mom's Taxi Service" definitely applies here!
I finished crocheting the "Anne" scarf by MK Carroll. I think it turned out very pretty (although one of my DD's and her hubby say the colors are ugly. What do they know??? LOL!) I plan on giving it to my Mom on my next trip out there...which sounds like it may be soon. Momma's been having some more health problems.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Czech Festival last Saturday
On Saturday, we went to Kewaunee to Heritage Farm, for a Czech festival. Since DH has Bohemian ancestry, we are very interested in the culture and cuisine, etc. of the Czech people.
Kewaunee was settled by many Czech immigrants back in the 1800's, so the area is rich in history.
We invited my dear friend, Nancy, to go with us, as she is of Bohemian descent also. She was so excited about going with us.
The first thing they had going on when we arrived, was a Kolache making demonstration. Which sounds boring, but it really was very interesting and fun. Nancy has an old recipe passed down through her family for Kolaches...and I have one that I got from an older Bohemian lady many years ago when she (Audrey, now in heaven) taught me how to make them.
Now we have another recipe to try. Nanc and I are going to get together and bake a bunch one of these days soon. We decided we are going to have our own, unofficial, Kolache bake-off. And my DH and her boyfriend are going to be the unfortunate judges. LOL. They are already shaking in their boots, because they don't want to get in 'trouble' if they choose the wrong Kolache.
For those of you that are wondering what a Kolache (pronouced Kole-ach) is, a Kolache is made out of a slightly sweet dough, that is formed into flat circles about 2 1/2" in diameter or so. After, the dough has raised, an depression is made in the center of the circle, and some special fruit or poppy seed or cheese filling is placed into the depression and then they are baked, and brushed with butter when they come out of the oven. They are yummy!!!! Not too sweet. This blog has a recipe that looks like it is pretty authentic, and pictures also of what they look like. I don't know why I didn't think to take some pictures!
The demonstration was 'hands on', which was fun. Another lady taught us how to use the same dough to form little bird 'rolls'.
There was a czech polka band there, and also a choir that sang traditional songs in czech. And some beautiful, colorful costumes, which in czech are called 'Kroje'. Each county had its own version of the kroje - and each village had some variations to the costume that identified it as coming from a certain area. More information about the kroje can be found here.
Heritage Farm had some charming displays in an old barn, an old cabin , and a few other buildings. Here are just a few pictures of some of the displays:
We spent a really nice relaxing and interesting afternoon. Had some chicken booyah for lunch...oh, do I love booyah!!!!
After we got back home, Nanc called her boyfriend and he came over and we threw together some sandwiches for 'dinner', and took them down to the river, and had a little picnic and did a 'little' fishing. (and I do mean little!) We were catching little, itty, bitty fish..oh, about 2-3 inches long or so...none of them were keepers. (which was fine, because I am not thrilled about cleaning fish. I'll do it, but I don't like it.)
DH does not enjoy fishing, but he likes to sit out there with me, and enjoy the outdoors. He decided to play with my camera and got some beautiful pictures of a beautiful sunset. These are just a couple:
It was so very relaxing to sit on the rocks and fish (even though the fish must have gone to bed for the night, because they sure weren't biting. :oO) and watch the sun go down, and experience the beautiful sunset...and to be with my sweet husband, and good friends.