Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Monday
The weekend flew by way too fast. Our middle DS and his wife had a housewarming party Saturday afternoon. It was really great to be able to be with all the kids and also 2 DIL's and one SIL, and a DIL to be. When we got there, our three DS's were outside playing a little football with our grandson. Too cold for me. But they had a good time. Its nice to know they still haven't outgrown tackling each other in the cold. And even nicer to observe that male bonding from inside the warmth of the house.
DH and I had an scintillating time yesterday defrosting the freezer downstairs in the dungeon. We found that we have a lot more food down there than we knew about. LOL. I procrastinated for months about that chore... its probably my least favorite to cleaning the refrigerator. Ugh.
Last night we watched a comedy dvd we had picked up, Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was great! I found a sketch of theirs, "The Dentist" at
What fun! I think it is hilarious to watch Harvey Korman trying to keep a straight face while Tim Conway does his part of the routine.
Classic ...gotta love it.
On a totally different note... last week was quite a week for my dear hubby. Since he was in high school, he knew he had a sister, from his Dad's previous marriage. All he knew was her first name, and her maiden name of course. But nothing else.
Last week, our son the web designer, called, and said someone contacted him via his website, and asked if he was related to a man in San Jose (the man in San Jose just happened to be my husband's father).
To shorten the story, this lady contacted DH and her Mom is DH's long-lost sister, and apparently has also been looking for him for years. So now they are in touch, have spent hours on the phone, and we are making plans to meet her and her family - possibly in the spring.
Such exciting happy news for hubby! He thought he would never find her, and now she has found him. I am so happy for him, and her. Family is so important!
Have a great Monday,
Monday, November 17, 2008
"Dark Pursuit" review

You probably figured out from some of my previous posts that one of my favorite authors is Brandilyn Collins. She is a christian suspense writer, and writes what is called 'seat-belt suspense'. It really is! I have really enjoyed her books, and I have read all of them.
I was thrilled to be able to preview her newest book: "Dark Pursuit" !!! DH thought it was pretty funny to see my face when I opened up the package, and saw my copy.
I couldn't wait to sit down and start reading it!!!
The story is set in the San Francisco bay area...and I love that...that's where I grew up, and I am very familiar with many of the places in the book, although the town is fictional. (in a fiction book. LOL)
The story started, and without giving it away... the reader came to the 'logical' conclusion. As the story twists and weaves it way through each and every page, you are carried on a roller coaster ride of suspense...all the way to a surprise that you would not have guessed at all.
As Brandilyn says, and I quote...'fasten your seatbelt and don't forget to...breathe'.
This was an excellent book...not for the faint of heart. Great page turning suspense! Enjoy~~~~
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Knitting Backwards
I am not the only one that has thought of this ... there is a really nice tutorial posted on Knitty dot com that explains it quite well! After looking at the tutorial, I think what I am doing is 'purling back, backwards'. Or more simply put... "left handed knitting" .
Oh well, either way, it makes it a little more interesting for me...and Momma always said I do everything backwards.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Chocolate Chip Friendship Bread - Yum!
(I don't remember who I got the original recipe from. I have had it for a long time.)
Amish Friendship Bread
(Do NOT refrigerate or use a metal bowl or metal spoon)
Day 1: Receive starter – do nothing
Day 2: Stir with wooden spoon (do not use metal)
Day 3: -same-
Day 4: -same-
Day 5: Transfer to large covered container. Add 1 C milk & stir. Gradually add 1 C flour & stir.
Gradually add 1 C sugar & stir.
Day 6: Stir with wooden spoon
Day 7: -same-
Day 8: -same-
Day 9: -same-
Day 10: Add 1 C milk & stir. Gradually add 1 C flour & stir. Add 1 C sugar & stir. Take two - 1 Cup
starters out. Keep one, and give one away to a friend.
To the rest, add:
1 C. oil
1 tsp. vanilla
3 eggs
Stir. Gradually add 2 C. flour & stir. Add 1 C. sugar & 1 tsp. cinnamon and stir. Add 1 ½ tsp. baking powder, ½ tsp. baking soda, 1 small box vanilla or French vanilla instant pudding. Stir only until blended.
Add 1 C. chocolate chips and 1 C. chopped nuts (optional) (At this point, ovoid over stirring. It will make your bread ‘tough’. (ask me how I know this :o)))
Pour immediately into 2 well greased loaf pans. Bake immediately at 350ยบ for 57 to 70 minutes on upper shelf in oven. When toothpick comes out clean, it is done.
Cool 6 minutes in, and then remove from pan. Cool on rack.
Serve with or without butter or margarine.
You can also substitute butterscotch chips or toffee crunch chips.
*** If you want to make your own starter, combine 1 cup milk with 1 cup flour, and 1 cup sugar. Then follow directions beginning with instructions for Day 1 of recipe.