Where to begin??? I am so far behind, I don't think I'll even try to get totally caught up....We moved into our "new" old house...finally. We are still finishing up moving the last boxes and things out of the old "old" house....sometimes it feels like we will never be done!! Hubby and I are totally wiped out!!!! We have had t o move a little bit here and there, due to babysitting Keara, taking Nicki to her job, and Ray's working. Ray went over there after work today to get a load in the van and bring it over. Tomorrow Ray and I will go over there again. Oh, fun. NOT.The babies are growing so big, and so fast! Time just seems to fly...I don't want them to grow up too fast! I am enjoying the baby stage too much! 
happy, giggling Naomi
beautiful smiling baby girl at 5 months old!
Keara's first 4th of July...staring at the pretty fireworks
beautiful baby girl, Keara at 3 months
We have been transplanting some of our hostas and perennials from the other house. The garden was just starting to really get so pretty...we couldn't bear to leave all of the plants there. I know, that sounds pathetic, right? Ya think we need to get a life? LOL We have been dividing the bigger perennials. Hubby and I have discovered that gardening can really be very nice...and therapeutic. We both have realized that it is something we really enjoy. I really like flowering plants, and Ray has a passion for his Hosta varieties and different grasses. Our son in law, James, loves to tease 'Pa' about his 'weed garden' and get him all riled up.

pretty Asiatic lilies - planted last year
some of Ray's grasses
Sweet William
Before we moved - Ray went to a bird fair and sold ALL the lovebirds!!! Wow! We were very happy about that!!! It is SO much quieter now!!! We still have the cockatiels, a parakeet, some canaries, and my green cheek conure. It is so much easier to keep up with these few. I don't regret selling the lovebirds one bit!!
Ray and I volunteered for the Cup O Joy booth at Lifest again this year. It was actually more like a break to go there and work the coffee booth/tent, and then be able to sit and listen to some of the artists that performed at Lifest. It was the first time we've been able to sit down, and do nothing, for a long time. It was nice to be living closer to Lifest too...we were able to stay later and got to listen to Third Day, Phillips, Craig and Dean, Mark Schultz, Tim Hawkins, Bone Hampton, Barlow Girl, Jeremy Camp, Thor Ramsey, Bob Smiley, and a lot of other great Christian artists. It was refreshing to sit and soak up all of that.