We had our Thanksgiving day dinner with a few of our kids. R. and I got up at 7 a.m. so that I could get the turkey stuffed and into the oven. We had bought an almost 24 lb turkey, thinking that one other son and his fiancee were going to be here to, but it didn't work out that way for them. Had the turkey stuffed and in the oven by 8 am. Our youngest DD showed up with our oldest DS in time for the Packer/Detroit kickoff.
Then our other DS showed up with his wife, and then we also had our 25 yr old DD here.
After I was all done, we ended having way too much food! LOL Turkey, stuffing, I made mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, baked yams, gravy, our youngest DD's favorite: brown-n-serve rolls, and Orange Tapioca Fruit Salad and pumpkin pies that I had made yesterday. Oh and sliced veggies, and olives, and pickles in a relish tray. And fish for our DDIL, who is a vegan.
I'm tired!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! We sent some food home with some of the kids, and will have plenty of leftovers!!!!
The nice thing is it is still early in the evening, and everything is cleaned up and put away already. So guess that means I have time to do some knitting!!! Gosh darn it, I am so disappointed. NOT!
Hope everyone had a great turkey day! It's back to my diet tomorrow. I have lost 21 pounds so far, and want to lose another 15-20 lbs. I am starting to feel better, and have some more energy than normal. It's easier to be motivated when I can actually see the scales are reading less.
Don't eat too much!!!! LOLOL
Then our other DS showed up with his wife, and then we also had our 25 yr old DD here.
After I was all done, we ended having way too much food! LOL Turkey, stuffing, I made mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, baked yams, gravy, our youngest DD's favorite: brown-n-serve rolls, and Orange Tapioca Fruit Salad and pumpkin pies that I had made yesterday. Oh and sliced veggies, and olives, and pickles in a relish tray. And fish for our DDIL, who is a vegan.
I'm tired!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! We sent some food home with some of the kids, and will have plenty of leftovers!!!!
The nice thing is it is still early in the evening, and everything is cleaned up and put away already. So guess that means I have time to do some knitting!!! Gosh darn it, I am so disappointed. NOT!
Hope everyone had a great turkey day! It's back to my diet tomorrow. I have lost 21 pounds so far, and want to lose another 15-20 lbs. I am starting to feel better, and have some more energy than normal. It's easier to be motivated when I can actually see the scales are reading less.
Don't eat too much!!!! LOLOL