My DH had ordered me a big surprise for my birthday. Something I have been wanting for a long time, but couldn't spend the money on. Guess what? It was not one, but both set of KnitPicks Options circular needles!!!! He got me the silvalume set and also the Harmony Wood set that came out not too long ago!!! I have to say, I was so surprised, and happy, happy, happy!!!!!! I couldn't wait to try them out - so right now I have a baby hat on the Harmony wood, and a baby hat on the silvalume set! They are soooooo easy to work with!!!!! I feel like I am knitting faster! (of course that's probably all in my head :o) ) But they sure work slick!!!! And the Harmony needles are sooooo purdy!!!!! I love all the colors on the needle!!!! LOL
I've been wearing my Mobeius shawl that I made for myself last winter a lot lately! I have gotten a lot of compliments on it, which is comforting, because I knit it out of a bulky yarn that is a kind of a wild looking color-way. It has teal and blue, and yellow and orange in it. It looked great in the skein, but when I made it - I thought the colors were a little too wild. I was uncomfortable about wearing it for a while because of the wild color combo - but since I have been FREEZING lately, I decided not to worry about the color and think about how warm and cozy it is instead. (Since I got back from Mom's in California, I just can't get warm!!!!) I had one friend ask me if I would knit one for her, and how much would I charge. I have no idea!!! LOL I told her if she bought the yarn - I'd think about it and let her know, but I am thinking about not charging her anything. Anyone have any suggestions about how much I should charge for something like that? It is knit on size 15 needles, if I remember right, and works up pretty quickly...but I do have to find my pattern.
We don't have snow yet (we have had some flurries) - but I feel like its cold enough, that the snow must be just around the corner. And I have to say, I am not looking forward to it!
DH is going to be taking some vacation days starting tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to go 'thrift shop hopping' and then he won't have to go back to work for another week. Thats going to be nice to have him around the house.
Well, I am going to go play with my options needles for a while, and do some of the 'laundry-that-multiplies-no-matter-what-I-DO!!!!' UGH!!!!
Fabulous Five: Favorite Reads for 2024
2 months ago
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