We have another beautiful grand daughter! Our youngest daughter, and her hubby, had their little baby girl the day before yesterday. She is a small baby... 6 pounds, and 19 inches long...but healthy and pretty! She is doing really well!
Keara, Mommy and Daddy

And I got to be there when she was born!!! Which was almost not a good thing for one of the nurses who was trying to give DD an IV during a contraction...and was making her cry more from the pain of her trying to start the IV than the actual contraction....I wanted to deck that nurse.... (I didn't - but I have to say that I thought of it) (I know that the nurse had to do it, but I think she could have been gentler. DD has a huge bruise on her arm!)
Keara LeAnne is my newest grand-baby's name. She is a miracle baby, in my opinion. (but then again, aren't all babies God's miracles?)
She was in the perfect head down position for weeks before DD went into labor, but decided to switch to a 'frank breech' position when it was time to arrive. In a "frank breech" position, the baby's bottom is down, with the legs bent up at the baby's hip, and baby is facing forward. Normally, if a baby is breech, they will be delivered by a C-section. DD's OB Dr. is an EXCELLENT Dr. - he actually was MY Dr. when she was born, and also for one of her brothers. And as soon as the Dr. said the baby was breech, I started praying! And God heard it... Dr. D. did a great job....and so did DD and her DH.
Thank you, God!!!!
Now we have two gorgeous grand daughters!
And this Grandma is lovin' being a Grandma!
Congrats on your new grandbaby!! I was stopping by to say thanks for visiting my site and was greeted with this wonderful news.
If you decide to participate in Cheeseball Tuesday, please send me some photos :-)
Beautiful! Welcome Li'l Keara :)
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